Fedora Server

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 11:20:23 CDT 2007

On 10/30/07, Earle Beason <Earle-Beason at kc.rr.com> wrote:
> I take the jab from LukeJr, and remind him of a previous conversation
> off line
> however the actual reason is "Why not?,"

I use Fedora on my desktops and laptops, but here are some reasons to
not use Fedora for a production server:

* Most of th Fedora guys will recommend against it
* Frequent updates, and releases which you would have to be willing to follow
* General hatred of Fedora by Debian users, who don't use Fedora
themselves, and would otherwise be useful sources of information

Most Fedora guys would suggest that yo u either pony up for a RHEL
license, or use CentOS. I use CentOS5 on my servers, and Fedora 7 on
my desktop/laptop.

I know of no other technical reason to not use Fedora or one of it
derivatives. I have had no problems, a few "I didn't know"s but I got
all the help I needed between irc://freenode/centos and

If you do choose a Fedora based distro, feel free to subscribe to the
appropriate mailing list. But if for some reason you would rather not,
I'm on this list and will at least attempt to assist you as much as I

As a disclaimer, I have nothing against other distros, however, my
current selection works very well for me.

Fedora 7 : sipping some of that moonshine
( www.pembo13.com )

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