Future of LUG (Party?)

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at comcast.net
Thu Sep 25 03:34:32 CDT 2003

Jason Clinton wrote:

> Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
>> What do you see as the two directions? (or are you referring to 
>> Jason's HTML crusade?)

Here's a VERY appropriate one.  Enjoy.  You may have to back away from 
the monitor a bit to see it.

A comment on the all-too-common html posts to newsgroups:

                          cellpadding = "20"
                      border = "20" width = "50%">
                   <tr><td bgcolor = "#FF00FF"><table
                 cellpadding = "20"> <tr> <td bgcolor =
                "#000000"> <font color = "#FFFFFF"> <font
             size = "6"><font           color = "#FFFF00" >
            WHAT? </font>                     </font> <p> Are
          <b>you</b><i>                           saying </i>
         that <b>you                              </b> have <i>
        something                                  </i><font size
       = "+1" >                                   <font  color  =
      "#ffff99">                                 <b> against  </b>
     </font><font                              size   "+1"  >  <font
     color  =                                "#FF3333">H</font><font
    color  =                                "#99FF99">T   </font><font
   color  =                                "#9999FF">M     </font><font
   color  =                               "#FFFF99">L       </font><b>
  ???  </b>                             </font></font>        <p><blink>
  <font     aaa     aaa color="#FF3333">Whatever for?         </font  >
  </blink>  <p>     It  is<i> such</i>a <font color =         "#FF00FF" >
<blink     aaa     aaa     aa>     nice</b></blink>          <i>language
</i> and   <aa     aaa     aa>    gives you such <a>          <font color
=#00FFFF   aaa     aaa     aa>  fantastic</font  aa>          <font color
=#FF00FF   aaa     aaa     aa> creative  <blink  aa>          freedom
</blink>   </font><b>!     </b><p> <font     aaa aaa          color  =
#FF55FF>   <font  size     ="6">So what      <aa aa>          </font >
</font>    If      not     <i><b><font       aaa aaa          color  =
#999999    aaa     aa>   everybody <aa       aaa aa>          </font >
</b> </i>  can     <a>  read it?<p> If       <aa aa>         those <b>
<i>losers  <a>     </i> </b>  are  too       <i> <a>         <font color
  =CCCC00>  <a>     mean  </font>   <aa       aa> </i>to<i>   buy  </i>
  some<blink a>     <a><b> <font    aaa       aaa color  =   "00FFFF">
   decent          </font></b>                              </blink><i>
   equipment      </i> then                                 that   is
    <b><font    color    =                                 "#9999FF">
     their </font> </b> <i>                                problem,
     </i>not <blink>mine!                                 </blink><p>
      They can always                                   <b>   <font
       color = FF3333                                 >save</font>
        </b>the<font                                 size= "+1">
         <blink> <i>                              source  code
          </i></blink>                         </font> to a
            <b>file</b> and                  <i>open</i> it
             in <i> <b> <font           color = "00ff00">
                Netscape!</font></b></i><b><font color =
                 "#ffff99">That </font></b> isn't so<i>
                   <font color = "#ff3333">difficult!
                         </td> </tr></table>
                            <!-- by VK -->

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