Shell Script

Kain kain at
Wed Sep 24 22:28:47 CDT 2003

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 04:22:34PM -0500, Dustin Decker wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, JJ Watson wrote:
> > Has anyone written a script to start/restart/stop a Java console app for Linux (bash)? Any help 
is appreciated. --
> I for one would benifit greatly from something like this to 
> start/restart/stop tomcat, jboss, etc. as well.
> If anyone gets around to this, let me know, I'll buy you a few [insert 
> beverage of your choice here].
screen is about to become your best friend :)

just start with something like
screen -dmS tomcatserver -- sh -c '/opt/tomcat/bin/start-server'

also works great for gameservers
Bryon Roche
Professional {Developer,Guru,Mad Scientist}
<kain at>
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