OT: password/passphrase generation

Zscoundrel zscoundrel at kc.rr.com
Sun Jun 8 04:36:52 CDT 2003

Guess my old fogeyism is showing too, but this definition 
(Daffynition???) seems kind of goofy to me.  It is sort of like asking 
someone "What's your favorite color?" and when they pick green, you have 
a number of reasons why a color is anything OTHER THAN green. . .

I am sure that someone wrote a Doctoral theis on some very complex 
theorem that only works if one is NOT a prime number, so rather than 
cast aspersions on that persons distinguished educational background I 
shant argue the fact. . . but one will always be prime to me. . . (grin)

Jim Herrmann wrote:

> OK, it says it used to be considered a prime.  I guess I'm just an old 
> fogey from way back when one was prime.  ;-)
> Gerald Combs wrote:
>> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Jim Herrmann wrote:
>>> One (1) is a prime by definition.  A prime number is evenly 
>>> divisible by only itself and 1.  Thus, the number 1 fits this 
>>> definition.
>> According to the "Prime FAQ," 1 is not prime:
>>    http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/notes/faq/one.html
>> It lists four separate reasons.
>>> Peace,
>>> Jim
>>> James Sissel wrote:
>>>>>> What number does not belong?  < 1 2 3 4 5 >  And why does it not 
>>>>>> belong?
>>>>> 4 it is not prime
>>>> Neither is 1.

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