Many GNU/Linux programs don't handle directly accessing files on other machines the way programs can in Windows (UNC paths).  This has to do with that dynamic UNC handing being part of your desktop manager rather than lower down in the software, so Gnome has its way to do it, and so does KDE.  So what you do is 'mount' those UNC paths to a directory on your machine.  Below, we make a directory to mount to (I chose /mnt/YourServerName/YourShareName).

mkdir -p /mnt/YourServerName/YourShareName
mount -t cifs //YourServerName/YourShareName /mnt/YourServerName/YourShareName -o user=<YourWindowsUserName>,pass=<YourWindowsPassword>

Now the contents of //YourServerName/YourShareName will appear as if it were in /mnt/YourServerName/YourShareName on the linux machine.  But if you reboot you would have to re run the mount command, and that would be the suck.  So there's this file called /etc/fstab, and you want to add the following line to it.  This file lists things to be automounted when you boot up.

//YourServerName/YourShareName  /mnt/YourServerName/YourShareName       user=<YourWindowsUserName>,pass=<YourWindowsPassword> 0 0


On 10/10/07, Michael Haworth <> wrote:
Alright, I have tried this by myself for three nights now, and I am tapped
out. I am running Ubuntu 7.04 on a machine that I am going to be hooking up
to my entertainment center (to replace the media center computer that is
full of endless blue-screens). At this point, the only thing holding this
back is that I can't get mplayer (or VLC, totem, etc.) to play the video
from the share (on a server 2k3 machine), they return an error that there is
'no input plugin to handle the location of this movie' - totally stumped.
Here are the steps that I have tried so far.

(server side)
Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Domain Controller Security
Policy, then went to Local Policies: Security Options, and changed:

* Microsoft Network Server: Digitally sign communications (always): DISABLED
* Microsoft Network Server: Digitally sign communications (if client
agrees): ENABLED
* Microsoft Network Client: Digitally sign communications (always): DISABLED
* Microsoft Network Client: Digitally sign communications (if server
agrees): ENABLED
* Domain Member: Digitally encrypt or sign secure data channel (always):
* Domain Member: Digitally encrypt secure data channel (when possible):
* Domain Member: Digitally sign secure data channel (when possible): ENABLED

I have set appropriate permissions on the shares and the ntfs folders

(client side)
* Installed the codec packs from automatix
* Installed smbfs & smbclient
* Followed (or tried to) the directions at
* Also mapped the drives through the 'Connect to Server' under Places

If I copy a file to the local drive, it plays fine, so I know that I have
the correct codecs and permissions, all I need to figure out is how to fix
this last minor issue...

Any help is appreciated

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