heh, you got me on the no video card.  :)  I should have clarified "A computer with a video subsystem."

Good one Charles.


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Charles Steinkuehler <charles@steinkuehler.net> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Glenn Robuck wrote:
> I have yet to find a single machine (and I just tested it on all 8 in my
> immediate vicinity) that the command I gave won't give you back the model
> number of the card.
> Can anyone provide an example of a machine where:
> sudo lspci -v | grep VGA

Example 1:  My headless Intel INS1020 (w/o a graphics card of any kind)
returns nothing.  :)

Example 2: One of the minimal LRP-based routers I have still in
production returns an error (no sudo command, no lspci command), but
that's kind of cheating.

I suspect non-pci graphics cards (ie: ISA/EISA) would also not show up
in lspci output, but that might also be considered cheating, and I have
no easy way to test this (the minimal systems I currently have assembled
and ready access to wouldn't be able to boot and run anything that
includes lspci).

Interestingly, the minimal flash-based debian fanless firewall install I
showed at the recent KULUA *DOES* properly list the VGA card (AMD Geode
LX Video), at least if I rip off the sudo part (sudo isn't installed)
and just run lspci -v | grep VGA as root.  :)

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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